Task Forces and Committees

50th Anniversary Conference Chair: James Jerome 

This task force produces the E-Newsletter on an ongoing basis.

Editor: Angela Anderson


Chairs: Theresa Schulz and Jackie DiFrancesco

Leadership Advisory

The Advisory Board serves in an advisory role to the Executive Council and is chaired by the NHCA Immediate Past President.

Rachel Bouserhal


This task force is chaired by the NHCA President-Elect and is responsible for identifying NHCA members who are willing to run for a position on the NHCA Executive Council.

Chair: Jillyen Curry-Mathis


The Program (Conference) Committee works very closely with the Executive Committee and the Executive Director to plan and present the annual NHCA conference.

Chair: James Jerome



Chair: Andy Merkley

Social Media

Chair: Michael Murphy


This task force produces the Spectrum newsletter on an ongoing basis.

Chief Editor: Marjorie Grantham

Associate Editor: Kristy Casto

Signals in Noise Editor: William Murphy

Graphic Designer: Nate Hurianek

Editorial Staff: Susan Cooper, Mary McDaniel, Laurie Wells


This task force was set up to identify opportunities for improvements and to 'refresh' the look and content of the NHCA website. It also assists with identifying regular updates.

Chairs: Don Finan and Elizabeth Masterson